Backyard Gardening with Your Grandkids

Creating a Spring Garden is a chance for you to show your grandchild that you can Go Green too. It only takes a couple pots in backyard to teach about sustenance living by growing our own fruits, herbs and vegetables and incorporating them into our cooking. This is fun as well as a great life lesson.

Potted gardening, also called container farming, will give you great herbs, fruits, and vegetables to get those grandbabies eating salad.

I’ve linked to growing information from Organic Gardening magazine and to help you get your container farming off to a good start. Going organic is really important when it comes to plants you are going to eat because eating chemicals (whether in the form of fertilizers or pesticides) is not very appetizing.

How to Container Garden






Green Beans

Leaf Lettuce

Sweet Peppers


5 Herbs for Containers

Hopefully, you and your grandchildren will have a great time enjoying the slightly warmer tempatures, getting outside and planting. I have found this is a great way to teach my grandchildren responsibility, where food comes from, and it takes very litle encouagement to get even the pickiest eater to try something they helped grow.