You’ve Been Egged!

Last night I played a “prank” on my grandchildren that I hope they will spread to their friends and neighbors.  I egged their houses!

OK, not like how I used to egg houses in high school – shh don’t tell anyone, I will lose all credibility!  This was a toy egging.  A real crack up, pun intended.  I took a dozen of the plastic eggs and filled them with little treats.  Then I drove to my grandchildren’s homes, and egged each (spreading them around the front yard, in the courtyard, near the front door).  A quick note taped to the door to encourage them to egg their friends, and a ring of the doorbell and I was outta there.  Sprinting like the Easter Bunny himself has to hop to make it to all his houses.

I was thinking of twists on this adventure but I almost think it is too perfect to change: it gets the kids excited, it gives me a little race in my day (YES – ding-dong ditchum is as fun as it was 50 years ago), and if I had stuck around it also gave me a perfectly good opportunity to steal a few uninvited moments with the kids.  And best of all, it was very inexpensive, for a cost of less than ten dollars I was able to add some Eggstraordinary fun to the week. If you carried this one out Easter morning (or the night before), you could save on individual treats and baskets if you are looking for a way to further cut costs.