St Patricks Day Hat Craft

A super fun hat that can be worn on St. Patrick’s Day by children or grown ups.

What you’ll need:

  • 3 sheets of Green construction paper
  • 1 sheet of Yellow or Gray construction paper
  • 1 sheet of Black construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Pen
  • Tape
  • Large circular object (however wide the construction paper is)

How to make it:

  1. Trace around the large circular object on the green construction paper with the pen. Use a smaller circular object, place it in the center of the ring you just created and trace around it.
  2. Cut out the circle and then cit out the inside circle – tip: since construction paper is so thin, you can use less if you are able to create two full circles, one small and one a ring (the brim of the hat and the top of the hat) in this step by cutting carefully.
  3. Edge a second piece of green construction paper with some tape along the longest side, leaving half of the tape showing and unstuck, sticky side facing out, and slide the shaped paper into the center of your ring so the tape is towards the bottom.
  4. Use the remaining tape edge to adhere the ring to the rounded paper, forming a “brim” with the circle of paper serving as the “stovepipe” of your hat.
  5. Secure the top circle (small circle from the center of your ring) to the top of your stovepipe, thus creating the hat.
  6. Cut a strip about 2″ wide out of the black construction paper.
  7. Cut a 4″ square out of the gray or yellow construction paper.
  8. Cut a rectangle in the middle of the gray construction paper about 1 1/4″ x 2″. Discard the little piece of construction paper. Hint: Fold the square into fourths and cut a square out of the middle of the folded area. Open up the square.
  9. Check positioning of the black band by laying it around the hat about an inch above the brim. Cut off any excess construction paper where it meets in the back.
  10. Lay the gray or yellow (buckle) over the black band as shown in the photograph. Once the layout is satisfactory, tape in place.