Sunny Day Trip Tips

The playground

The playground (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Is the weather nice where you are?  Yesterday, my grandchildren and I were outside in sunny beautiful 84 degree weather.  It was the perfect playground day, except for the small spill my youngest grandchild took which sheared a bit of skin (and all the sunblock) off the tip of his nose.

The return of the sun is a great chance for me to share some of my sunny day trip tips, since 80% of a person’s lifetime exposure to sun occurs before the age of 18 it is always important to block up at gramma’s house!

1. Always bring your sunblock.  So many of us forget to sunblock up if we are not in the water, but it is just as important for exposed noses out of the pool.

An SPF of 30 or higher and one that protects against UVA and UVB is best.  UVA can cause skin cancer even when the sun is not out!

2. Where’s my hat?  Unless you are a fan of sunblock in pigtail parts, consider a hat, it is definitely a great option and way better than SPF to protect the head if your little one will keep one on. Long sleeves and long pants are better than exposed skin, but sometimes it is tough on nice days – try to cover what you can reasonably.

3. I wear my sunglasses at night… It’s not just a popular song from the 80’s or a cool fashion statement, it is a greet way to protect eyes from sun damage – verify that the lenses in the frames offer total UV protection

4. Avoid peak sun hours: 10:00am to 3:00pm.  Most of the kids are in school then anyways, but an early morning or late afternoon trip is better for reducing peak UV exposure.

5. Check the expiration date on your sunscreen form last year: yes you can save a few bucks by using last year’s bottle.  If there is an expiration date, follow it; if there is not, the sunscreen has been verified by the manufacturer to be good for three years.

6. Consider a wash additive sunscreen for whites/ light colors.  Dark colors really do reflect the sun better than light colors.  Use sunscreen under your child’s clothes or use a sunscreen add-in for lighter colors to add protection

7. Seek shade if your shadow is shorter than you are… the UV rays are intense at this time.  Kids love this trick, and it is a great way to train them to stay in the shade during peak hours.

I hope you enjoy the Spring as much as we do, there are so many ways to get out and enjoy the day, and so much day to play in now that the sun is up earlier and in bed later!

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