Love Curtain

The night before Valentine’s Day,  wait until the grandkids are asleep, then tape ribbons with hearts on them from the top of their bedroom door frames.  If you grandchildren do not live with you, you can have this set up at the front door for them to walk through when they arrive.  Some hearts can smiley faces or stickers on them, but  favorites will always have reminders of your affection.  ‘We love you’, pet names, meaningful inside jokes, coupons for hugs and kisses can be hidden in the heart messages… the grandkids will love walking through them for more than just this one day.

For a twist, help them make heart curtains to hang at their houses for their parents!

Colored paper

  • Tape


  1. Cut heart shapes out of the colored paper, some a bit smaller than others. If you are not comfortable just cutting, you can pre-buy doilies in different sizes or use a cookie cutter as a template.
  2. Tape the smaller and larger hearts together, as shown, and write your Valentine message on them.
  3. Tape the hearts onto a few lengths of cut ribbon and tape (or tack) the ribbons, like a curtain, onto your child’s bedroom door frame.

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